look! my bright side!

okay i am so tired to be fully updated tonight after the whole awesome day. but whatever it is, i'm happy plus satisfied.. i got what i want ;D today was an awesomely good start for my 2 weeks of school holiday. shopped and walked around a lot with my mom and sisters. she bought me a kebaya, 2 baju kurung, vintage dress and a bag. haha. balas dendam after like 4 months haven't shopped because of my condition. cehhh. damn it. grrrr.

and pictures will be uploaded soon since my internet is so lembab like siput babi,

btw, i love you ibu so much much much much much! thanks for everything ;)

no other words than 'worried'. yes, i am worried.


(: syai_sharif :) said...

cool! :DD

Anastassia Isabella said...

look at your brightside!!!!
i see christopher drew haha
nah jk he's on my brighside not yours
