silly natasha.

OKAY, see, as this blog goes from update weekly to tadaaaa MONTHLY! arghh. i just have to face the fact that i am in boarding school now. grrr. how much i miss updating my blog. and fuhhh! time is running so fast like awer citrine tuh. haha. it seemed only last week i was with my friends in SMKBJ ;( i miss them a lot. like super duper a lot,

anyway, i just got back from SABDA just now. wohoooo what a relief! so since i have nothing to do and prolly wont be at SABDA for 2 weeks, i decided to blog again. it has been like so loooooooooong since my previous post. about what huh? lupa lah.

during my 'a week' in SABDA i've finished reading 2 bm novels. hoho. that's my very first time reading bm novels. and errrr i love it! natasha baca novel? bluekssss. geli babe! ini atas dasar pengaruh shafika yg mempengaruhi fikiranku yg mudah terpengaruh. hahhaha, what the hell am i crapping about? blablablabla. gila XD and yeahhh sinar harian datang, tak semena-mena buat "hobi: membaca novel", baru 2 novel baca da jadi hobi. happrakkk aku ni. tak paham? tak payah paham.

Gosh. my blog is being back to words only for now. and pictures? not yet completely uploaded. i'll slowly start blogging about my days and what i've been through the whole month. kalau rajin lah. Oh thank God tomorrow i have something to do. yes i have no life ;) wohooo! and hurmm i'm still waiting for anyone to bring me to watch Shrek Forever After 3D. anyone? hehe ;DD

gtg, take care. night and wishing you guys a very good tomorrow. good luck ;P Salam.

is hoping he'll get well ASAP.

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