budak sebelah ni bising,

I harap dia tak nampak I tulis tu.

llllllllllll more days and i am going back to KL. don't miss me guys ;D

i am totally done with those lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll days in my own prison-like-school. i've stucked in here like some bloody prisoners for more than 2 weeks. just imagine how long i've been suffering. it aint easy babes. haha.

okay i have loads of work to do in school again. everyone's busy preparing for the Perasmian Sekolah on this coming thursday. Sultan Perak is coming! i'm the one who'll give the brochure to the Sultan, gila ka? i dah la clumsy. nanti jadi lain pulak. Oh God,i am so going to be the dead meat. ahhhhh.

well anyway so much has been going on so it would be pretty silly to type every single boring thing. what a wasting week. Shafika wasn't here to enjoy the boredom. haha. she was sick and hope she'll be fine. hmm, but to be honest maybe. there a few things that i did enjoy in here. my pornstars, my results, my dormmates, classmates, kisses (call me a kiss addict) haha oh ya and HIM ;) sshhhh, alif ba ta sa jim ha kho. heeee;)

ESYA ESYA! tak salah kan kalau aku suka gigi dia je? haha XD

i cant wait for this 16th July. baby home, I'm coming!

I bet you dont even care

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